Legally, drivers are required to have liability insurance on their vehicles before hitting the road. Unfortunately, though, many drivers choose to skirt this responsibility and drive without the mandatory minimum level of coverage. When these drivers get into accidents, the victims are often left on the hook for damages caused to their person and/or property.
If you have been in an accident involving an uninsured or underinsured motorist in Mississippi, the best course of action is to contact an Olive Branch personal injury lawyer to fight for your rights. Before reading on, consider contacting Gatti, Keltner, Bienvenu & Montesi PLC to handle your case.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims
Uninsured motorists have no auto insurance, while underinsured motorists have some auto insurance, but not enough to cover the damage they have caused. In many cases, people with DUI convictions neglect to carry auto insurance because their criminal offenses have made the cost of coverage skyrocket to a point where they feel they are unable to afford it. When these people cause accidents, their insurance policies are not sufficient enough to cover the complete cost of their victims’ damages.
The problem with accidents caused by people who lack adequate insurance is that they often have little means to pay for the damage they have caused out-of-pocket. Sure, you could try to sue them directly, but they are unlikely to have the means necessary to cover costs related to the accident. That is why insurance companies offer uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance as a solution to this common issue.
Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance provides financial protection in instances where you are involved in an accident wherein a motorist without proper insurance coverage was at fault. This is great coverage to have, but making a claim is not always easy. Insurance companies always push to minimize their financial responsibility for claims, therefore you will likely need an uninsured and underinsured motorist claim lawyer in Olive Branch to get the most out of your claim.
How does Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance Work?
An uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance policy can be used whenever the at-fault driver doesn’t have enough liability coverage to pay for your damages. This protects insured drivers from having to pay for said damages out-of-pocket after an accident that they did not cause. As an example, imagine you are involved in an accident where you are not at fault.
Usually, the next step would be to file a claim against the liable driver’s auto insurance company in order to get repairs, medical bills, and other accident-related expenses paid for. This would leave you with no out-of-pocket expenses in most cases. The aforementioned circumstances are ideal, but things do not always work like that.
Sometimes drivers do not have the insurance needed to fully recoup your costs. Fortunately, if you have uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance, your policy can be used to mitigate some or all of the costs related to the accident with an uninsured motorist. Following the accident, you make a claim with your insurer to have them investigate and hopefully pay out benefits to help you cover the costs you have incurred. Though, sometimes it can be difficult to get the full amount you need without an Olive Branch uninsured and underinsured motorist claim lawyer.
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Types of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage
There are two primary types of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage; bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage. Here is more information about each:
- Bodily injury coverage – This portion of coverage will cover you and your passengers for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and similar damages.
- Property damage coverage – This portion of coverage will protect your car if a person with inadequate insurance coverage hits you and causes damage.
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Why You Need a Lawyer for Uninsured Motorist Claims
To maximize profit, insurance companies strive to minimize the amount of money they pay out for claims made by their customers. This means your claim may be undervalued or even denied unfairly. In some cases, the insurance companies that offer uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage will even refuse to pay for damages that are explicitly covered in the terms of the insurance contract you have been issued.
These companies are known to play dirty, so you need a capable Olive Branch uninsured and underinsured motorist claim lawyer to keep them in check. On your own, you may be unable to withstand the strategic tactics they often use to wear you down and avoid paying you the amount you deserve. With capable legal representation, negotiations are much more likely to result in a favorable outcome that involves you receiving fair compensation for your damages.
Fighting for the MAXIMUM
Money for You
Types of Compensation You Can Recover
Although you may be claiming compensation from an insurance company you trust to protect you, understand that they are not in the business of giving people all of the money they deserve. Claims quickly enter a state of contention as they try to minimize their financial responsibility for the damages you claim. Yet, with the right uninsured and underinsured motorist claim attorney in Olive Branch backing you, you stand to recover the following types of compensation:
- Lost income
- Medical bills
- Physical therapy costs
- Emotional damage, such as pain and suffering
- Property damage
An attorney can help you calculate your total damages, giving you the insight you need to determine exactly how much compensation you deserve. If you file your claim based on what you think you might deserve, chances are high that you will actually get less than what is needed. Do not take this chance.
Instead, contact an Olive Branch uninsured and underinsured motorist claim attorney today.
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Lawyers to Work for You
Get the Compensation You Deserve
Do not let your insurance company take advantage of you. Get a lawyer who is prepared to fight for full and fair compensation. Gatti, Keltner, Bienvenu & Montesi PLC will help you negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you get as much as possible from your uninsured and underinsured motorist policy.
Use the contact form on this page to schedule a free consultation with our legal team.